(Game may take a little while to load initially)

Made for the Pirate Software Game Jam 14 (2024)

All visual assets made by me, along with the music.


Game Design Document.pdf 21 kB


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ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm money got so high it just shows $0


This is a fun little game, would be a great tool to help teach young children about recycling.

Could use some stakes
-maybe the items build up and if you don't gather them fast enough you lose
-A penalty for mis-categorizing the items

Great ideas! I was a bit torn that in a game about picking up litter, you progress by creating more litter haha

also this is not reallyh a idle game

bottles are made of plastic not glass

You do know that glass bottle exist, do you?


coke a cola which the bottles are a parody of uses plastic not glass


We have also glass bottle of Coke Cola.


There have always been glass bottles of coke, I dont see your point


If you ever recycle, you'll notice that glass recyclables are mostly bottles: Mainly liquor and soda bottles.